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Senin, 16 November 2015

understanding Linux

Understanding Linux, Advantages of Linux, and Linux Sample
Pengertian Linux

Understanding Linux - development of computer technology, followed by the availability of the operating system that is increasingly diverse. Examples of popular operating systems are Microsoft Windows, Linux and MacOS. To find out what operating system should first read our article on the definition of the operating system.

On this occasion it was our turn to strip the notion of Linux. Perhaps of the many readers there who still do not understand much about the Linux operating system. Therefore in this article we will discuss some basic points of Linux, includes: understanding Linux, Advantages of Linux and Linux Example Example.Understanding LinuxUnderstanding Linux is the name of a Unix-based operating system that is distributed to the public free of charge and is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), which means that Linux is distributed along with its source code. Availability of access to the source code allows the user to modify the operating system is then allowed also to be used and redistributed freely. Linux name itself is taken from the name of the creator is Linus Torvalds, for more about the history of Linux will be discussed in the next article.Which became the most important difference between the operating system Linux with other popular operating system is located on the Linux kernel and the components that bida menyususnnya freely accessible and open. However, readers need to know, Linux is not the only operating system that is in the category of open source, there are still some other operating systems that are the same as Linux. But Linux as the best example and open source operating system that is most widely used.Linux operating system development is done by distributing it freely so that each prospective user can download these operating systems on the Internet or get them from a special forums. Forum Linux users usually set up a special community to modify the system, after which the source code has been modified and developed the re-distributed via the Internet or other media. Anyone is free to join the community in the development of the Linux operating system.Advantages and Disadvantages of LinuxIf there are two same product designation is common for us to compare two or more products. Linux as well as other products that have advantages and disadvantages. Here we review some of the advantages and disadvantages of the Linux operating system.Excess LinuxOpen Source; Linux is an operating system that is open source, free to own, free to be developed, and is free to be re-distributed.Freeware; Linux is an operating system that has to be freeware, this means anyone either for personal use, groups, and agencies can even use this operating system freely and without being required to pay royalties to the creators.Minimal Hardware; Linux only requires a low computer hardware specifications, but still a high demand for such graphics and others are advised to use a higher specification.Scalability; Linux can run on machines as small as the 3Com Palm Pilot and Digital Itsy or on large machines such as Beowulf Clusters.Stability; Reliability linux trusted by classmates agency NASA, NASA uses the Linux operating system for a plant experiment in space that requires high system stability.Shared Libraries; Linux uses a numbering system version of Shared Libraries. Making it possible to update the version without the existence of damage to other programs.Non-Fragmentation; Easy to use linux users to edit, create, and delete files without having to worry about the fragmentation in the program or data.Immune Virus; Linux is immune to viruses compared to other operating systems such as DOS-based. This is most important because it deals with the security system.Still, there are several other advantages of the Linux operating system, namely: bugfix, Native Protocol TCP / IP, File System 32 Bit, Multi User, Multiconcole, Multitasiking, Virtual Memory, File System Access, emulator, Partition Mounting. Besides Linux also supports several software essential for a reliable server, including: Proxy Local Serverl, Transparent Proxy, Web Server, FTP Server, Remote, Firewall, Shell Programmbale. Besides Linux also provides support for the facility GUI (Graphic User Interface).Disadvantages LinuxBesides seabreg the advantages of Linux, there are some deficiencies found on this free operating system.Ordinary users will have difficulty when first using Linux as the operating system is completely different from the sort of popular Windows operating system.Some types of Linux is still not optimal in the presentation WYSYWYG (What You See is What You Get). However, this weakness is now beginning to be corrected and we've been able to use the Linux operating system that actually has approached a perfect score.Examples of Linux Distributions

  •     Ubuntu
  •     Debian Linux
  •     Redhat Linux
  •     Mandrake Linux
  •     Caldera Open Linux
  •     Slackware Linux
  •     OpenSUSE Linux
  •     Corel Linux
  •     Turbo Linux
  •     Fedora
  •     BackTrack
  •     Xandros
  •     ClearOS
  •     Chrome OS
  •     Gentoo Linux
  •     Sabayon
  •     CentOS

Understanding Linux, Advantages of Linux, and Linux SampleSuch an explanation of the notion of Linux that can be conveyed. This paper is still not complete, and will continue to be updated in subsequent articles we will discuss specifically on the Linux Operating System. Good information about understanding Linux, Advantages and Disadvantages of Linux, as well as Linux Distributions Examples of this can help you develop the knowledge.

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